Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Decorations

Here is chalkboard that I made with my dear friend Monica. It used to be a mirror with a natural frame. I picked it up at Heritage Villages's yard sale for $3.50 We painted it burgandy and spray painted the mirror with chalkboard paint. Half of it already had some chalkboard paint on it's a little bumpy so, I may need to redo it. I also need to get some chalkboard markers and take some chalkboard art classes...LOL. Looking forward to changing it from season to season.

Here is a banner that took me hours to do. Again, my friend Monica inspired me to do this. I couldn't get the whole banner in the picture. It says: Happy Birthday Jesus

This is the end of the banner (Jesus). Thank you Monica for the help, the idea and supplies. Love ya!

Some decorations around the house....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord

Ok, some people are asking why we don't do santa. Here is why our family doesn't.....
We are christians. We weren't always christians but we are now. We are born again or other words, saved. The bible states in IICorinthians 5:17 that anyone in Christ is a new creation. The old has gone the new has come.~ Since we are a new creation in Christ we want to do whatever possible to bring glory to God. We wouldn't have Christmas if it wasn't for Jesus. So to Him be all the glory. So, we celebrate it for what it is, Jesus' birthday. We don't want to bring honor to anyone else but Jesus himself. Our children aren't going to miss out on anything. Infact they are learning the truth. Proverbs 22:6 states: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. ~ We are teaching our kids that Jesus is the reason we celebrate Chrismas. No other reason. Santa is a tradition based on man not God. The following verse confirms our decision: Romans12:2 - Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. ~ We sure have changed the way we think towards a lot of things. Sant is based on Saint Nick who was a real person that loved Jesus and gave gifts to people in secret (God's work) but he is in heaven now with Jesus. And really, what does santa have to do with Christs birth?? What role did he play when Jesus was born? We call santa the Christmas clown because he resembles a clown. Julian states he doesn't like him because he's afraid of him just like he's afraid of a real clown. As far as the kids getting gifts, we want our kids to know that we are the ones giving them gifts. Their father works very hard in order to buy them gifts and why should some make believe man take the glory? We are trying to teach our kids not to lie and if we were to do santa we would be lying to to our children. How do you think they would feel when they find out the truth? I know I was pretty upset when I found out the truth. Christmas wasn't the same after that. We as their parents need to be the example. Do not lie is the 9th commandment. How about commandment #1...have no other gods but me. I'd say santa is a god to a lot of children. How about commandment #2... don't worship idols. I'd say most of the world makes santa an idol and where is Jesus in all of this? It's very sad. Our eyes should never leave Jesus and make someone/something else an idol. We also teach our children that God loves us soooo much that he gave us the ultimate gift, Jesus John 3:16 states: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~So since God gave us a gift we want to give the kids a gift to show them that we love them and to celebrate Jesus' birthday. We don't buy the kids a lot. Maybe 3 presents each (Jesus got 3 gifts from the 3 kings) and we probably only spent $20 on each. It's not about getting presents or having the best toy. It's about Jesus coming into this world and saving us. Oh my gosh!!! What a gift!!! It brings me to tears to think about it. Christmas is magical! Not because of santa but because a perfect baby was born who turned into a man that loves us so much that he suffered and died for us and saved us from going to hell. To those that don't know Jesus and would like to, you need to sincerely accept Him as your Lord and savior in your heart and repent from your sins and start a new life in Christ. This is the only way to heaven. You're not going to get into heaven just because you're good and just by saying, I believe in Him. Ephesians 2:8-9 says: God saved you by his special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a rewared for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.~ Jesus also says in the bible in John 3:3..I assure you, unless you are born again you can never see the kingsom of God. ~ Accepting Christ was the best decision my husband and I ever made. It is all about God and to Him be the glory. Everything exists because of God. And this is why we don't do santa. We do what we feel is right for our family in the eyes of God. Joshua 25:15 For me and my house, we will serve the Lord ~ At least we try to. We are still sinners but thanks be to God there is grace and mercy. Merry Christmas and love to all.
Happy Birthday Jesus!!!
An online sister made this point that I never thought of. I just added it to my list of why we don't do santa. Thanks Kat!!.....
With santa, kids are taught that they recieve gifts IF they are good boys and girls. That santa is watching all year long, and so they should be good if they want gifts. Many parents even use this as a way to threaten their kids when they're being naughty. On the total OPPOSITE side of the spectrum, we find Jesus, the FREE GIFT of God--not based at all on works that we have done. God gave His only begotten Son to sinners, because He loved us even while we were yet sinners.

Look Who's 4

My baby girl turned 4 years old on 12-3-09. Where does the time go? I know it's only been 4 years but I remember being pregnant with her and praying for her. I had a few miscarriages so when I became pregnant with her I cried out to the Lord to let me have her. And the Lord answered my prayers. I'm also grateful that the Lord showed me how she should be born. I had her in a birthing center with assistance from a midwife. Everything was natural, no drugs, IVs or monitors of any kind. I was able to eat, drink, and move around if I felt needed. When she was born she, she entered into the hands of her father. He 'caught' her. From there she was placed right on me and then she started nursing immediately. We waited till the cord stopped functioning till we cut it then a little bit later we weighed her and took her measurments. Not once was she out of my sight. Pete laid in the bed with her while I took a shower, then he ran out for some food and then after some paper work and my vitals we went home. All in one day. She is a true blessings. She is funny at times and she's full of love. She loves animals and babies. She loves dressing up. She is very girly and she always has to pick out her own clothes. Purple is her favorite color right now. She is a little mommy. She's already demonstrating great traits of a helpmeet. I pray I can guide her into the will God has for her. I pray I can teach her everything she needs so she's equiped to do Gods will. We love her very much. Happy Birthday Giana! Here is how we celebrated her special day.......
We started off by going to Pete's work to have breakfast. When we arrived, Pete had the table decorated with candy, a balloon, a present, stickers and cute little smoothies. Of course everything was purple.
Then after breakfast we were off to my bible study at Melisa's house. She wanted to go because she got to play with her friends. I had to take this pic of her. When I turned around she was just sitting there looking at me.

Then when we got home Pete suprised her with Pizza (it's what she wanted for dinner). Then we had cake that her father made for her. You got it right, a purple cake.

Present time. She got her GiGi God princess dress up kit which she's been praying for. By the look on her face she was happy.

Blowing out the candles.
I can't wait to see how she grows in the year to come. May God bless her and watch over her!!