Well we are in winter now, we've gone through thanksgiving, Giana's 5th birthday, Christmas, New Years and Julian's 4th birthday. I'm probably just going to ramble on but just wanted to make a note of things we did: We celebrated Thanksgiving at home. Josh and Susan joined us. It was a very relaxing thanksgiving. We went around the table expressing what we were thankful for by way of the alphabet. I started with A and had to say what I was thankful for that started with the letter A. Then the next person started with B and so on. It was fun and our time at the table lasted a lot longer then it normally would have.
We celebrated Giana's birthday on December 3rd. She got a Laura dress with the apron that our dear friend Dee made. She also was surprised with Curious George on her cake. I can't believe she's 5. I really want to turn back the hands of time and start all over with her. I want to be a better mommy to her and I just want to share Jesus with her in a loving way. I pray the Lord will work on her heart.
We went to Heritage Village one Saturday to make some ornaments then to Dunedin for their Old Fashioned Christmas. They offered free train rides and free crafts. Christmas carolers walked around caroling. They even had some free old fashioned games to play and snow! Florida style snow but it looked real. It was tiny bubbles but just they way they blew around looked so real. The kids really enjoyed it.
On a Sunday after chruch, we had the pleasure of delivering gifts to Angel Tree recipients. It was a joy to see the kids enjoy their gifts but sad to know the situations.
On a weekday, we spent the afternoon at Melisa's with Sunshine. We made homemade pizzas and hot chocolate and the kids made snowmen out of socks and rice. I really wanted to make my own. :-) but they didn't let me. :-( On another Sunday we went to the Guerra's annual Christmas open house. It was cold but nice and festive.
We went to a live nativity. "Journey into Bethlehem" This was at a church in Clearwater. I'd like to make this an annual thing. They do a great job of recreating the streets of Bethlehem as they take us on a journey looking for baby Jesus. And they shared the gospel at the end and then offered, cookies, hot chocolate and coffee.
We went to Orlando for Christmas Eve because Pete's parents were in town. We ended up stayed in a hotel for the night. It was just about midnight when we got to the hotel and we sang happy birthday to Jesus. The kids loved that we were in a hotel. They were allowed to jump on the beds and have a pillow fight. The next morning we had breakfast with Pete's family then headed on home where we all put on our new PJ's and we made homemade pizzas and just enjoyed our time together and reflected on the true meaning of Christmas. The kids opened their gifts. Giana's favorite: Laura nightgown and sleeping cap. Julian got a 'Pa' gun. They also got new bath towels that they love. One is a monkey and one is a dog. Having Jesus and my family is the best gifts I could ever have.
Pete ended up doing a video testimony at church. They ended up showing it all 4 of the Christmas services. To God be all the glory. I pray it touched a few people.
For New Years, the kids had colds and Pete had to work.
Pete's parents then came to visit us but his dad got sick and had to go in the hospital for most of the days they were here. He's ok for now. I just pray his last years will be happy ones.
On 2 different occasions we were told that we were different (in a good way). We shined for Jesus.! The Lord was glorified! What a great testimony to our unsaved family members.
On January 14th we celebrated Julian's 4th birthday. My baby is no longer a baby. All his baby features are gone even his cute chubby feet. They have now slimmed down. We got him his first skateboard for his birthday. He loves it so much that he wants to sleep with it. He has yet to get a helmet so he hasn't been able to ride it. Grandpop and Linda got him some knee and shoulder pads. He needs those :-)
Thinking back on 2010 it was a happy year. We've grown and learned in the Lord. Financially, it was difficult but the Lord is always faithful. I pray the Lord will show Pete on what area of work to get into. We are at a standstill and don't know what to do. We have a few ideas for some business ventures but it requires money and we just don't have that. I just pray if it's the Lords will, then he'll provide. I also pray for the new year that I can become more of the mother and wife I want to be. I pray the Lord will show me how to be patient with the children. I pray that the Lord will help me with my anger. I pray we'll pick the right K curriculum for Giana. I pray that we'll do what the Lord wants us to do with the children. I pray to get closer to Jesus and I pray for continued health and safety. I also pray that friends and family members will be saved this year and that we as a family will be more bold in sharing the gospel with strangers and may we soak ourselves in the word so that we are equipped.
Well, I guess that's it for now. I do pray I will blog more often. It's a great thing to look back on. Also, I'd love to have it printed out every year. Like having a yearbook.
May God bless us all in 2011. Maybe Jesus will come back this year. :-)
Great to read about your holiday celebrations. I am back to blogging too! I will pray for you to become all that Jesus created you to be. ALL FOR HIS GLORY!
ReplyDeleteLove ya' lil' sista'!
About your previous post
ReplyDeletewell said! This was God's good timing in having me read it. Thx 4 sharing.
About this post: Nice to hear how you celebrate your holidays. Thanks for your honesty about motherhood & parenting
peteysrib I like that! :-)