My baby girl turned 4 years old on 12-3-09. Where does the time go? I know it's only been 4 years but I remember being pregnant with her and praying for her. I had a few miscarriages so when I became pregnant with her I cried out to the Lord to let me have her. And the Lord answered my prayers. I'm also grateful that the Lord showed me how she should be born. I had her in a birthing center with assistance from a midwife. Everything was natural, no drugs, IVs or monitors of any kind. I was able to eat, drink, and move around if I felt needed. When she was born she, she entered into the hands of her father. He 'caught' her. From there she was placed right on me and then she started nursing immediately. We waited till the cord stopped functioning till we cut it then a little bit later we weighed her and took her measurments. Not once was she out of my sight. Pete laid in the bed with her while I took a shower, then he ran out for some food and then after some paper work and my vitals we went home. All in one day. She is a true blessings. She is funny at times and she's full of love. She loves animals and babies. She loves dressing up. She is very girly and she always has to pick out her own clothes. Purple is her favorite color right now. She is a little mommy. She's already demonstrating great traits of a helpmeet. I pray I can guide her into the will God has for her. I pray I can teach her everything she needs so she's equiped to do Gods will. We love her very much. Happy Birthday Giana! Here is how we celebrated her special day.......

We started off by going to Pete's work to have breakfast. When we arrived, Pete had the table decorated with candy, a balloon, a present, stickers and cute little smoothies. Of course everything was purple.

Then after breakfast we were off to my bible study at Melisa's house. She wanted to go because she got to play with her friends. I had to take this pic of her. When I turned around she was just sitting there looking at me.

Then when we got home Pete suprised her with Pizza (it's what she wanted for dinner). Then we had cake that her father made for her. You got it right, a purple cake.

Present time. She got her GiGi God princess dress up kit which she's been praying for. By the look on her face she was happy.

Blowing out the candles.
I can't wait to see how she grows in the year to come. May God bless her and watch over her!!
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Have a blessed Christmas season!
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p.s. - We also have an e-mail birth announcement service, If you know anyone who's expecting please share our site with them! You can even give them the discount code GIFT4YOU and they'll save 20% off our normal price. Thank you for spreading the word!