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Well, today was one of those days. I let my joy be taken away. It wasn't good from the moment we woke up. The kids were cranky and clingy and we had to go to church and they were not cooperative while we were there. Then we went to a used book sale at the park and the kids were still in a mood and wouldn't let me do anything. They both tugged and moaned, they wanted to be picked up. Sorry but I can't hold a 3 & 2 year old at the same time and shop. When I got home I had to make a couple of phone calls and while on the phone, the kids completely came unglued. They ran around the house so fast that by the time I looked up, it was as if my house got burglarized. Toys and stuff was every where. I could feel my anger building up. I yelled. I made angry faces. I made them sit on the sofa. And boy was my stress level high. I could feel myself getting tired and drained from the emotions. After that I had no desire to cook, clean, or anything. But as I sat trying to calm down and make sense of the day I realize a lot of this could of been nipped in the bud by crying out to God and discipling the correct/godly way. My day didn't start with the Lord like it should have. Every day should begin with the Lord. I had my husband pray for me but I never prayed. I need to learn to cry out to God in every situation and beg for help or whatever it may be. I also need to learn to use my patience and compassion that the Lord blessed me with when I decided to accept Jesus into my life. I feel bad about the day and how I handled it. I've asked for forgiveness from my children and the children are so sweet that they just seem to forgive and forget but what did I teach them today? That anger was ok? and that yelling was ok? I need to practice what I preach. Everyday I say to them, be like Jesus. I have them say, "get behind me devil' mark 8:33 when they are doing wrong or not obeying. I need to tell myself that stuff too. It's been awhile since my stress level got that high and I didn't like it one bit and I could of prevented it all by just turning to God. Have I learned my lesson? I hope so. Tomorrow will be a new day and I pray I will be joyful, loving, compassionate, considerate, edifing and merciful. I have all these gifts because of Jesus. I just need to know how to use them. To God, my husband and children, I am sorry for who I was and who I let myself be today. The enemy sure was smiling. Tomorrow I hope he shutters when my feet hit the ground when I get out of bed!
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