I've been thinking about idols in my life. Some idols are good but still take away from God. For instance family, job, husband or wife are all good things but can become idols. Sometimes those things are idols in my life but lately, my biggest idol is wanting to be someone i'm not. Not that I want to be a certain someone but the vision of that perfect wife and mother sometimes consumes me. When I try to be that person i'm not, I fail then there is disappointment. I need to be happy with how God made me and know that He made me for a certain reason. Now there are things I could work on that would make me a better wife and mother to which would glorify God like working on my laziness or selfishness, having a better attitude, finding good in things instead of complaining and smiling more. Once I work on these things, I believe I become more like the person I want to be and then my focus is more on Jesus. Only through Jesus and seeking him can I accomplish those things. I'm blessed to realize that the Lord showed me that this was...um I mean is an idol in my life. My thought process won't change overnight. Alls I know is that this piece of clay can't mold herself, she has to let the Potter do that.