For Thanksgiving, we made our first lapbook. It was fun and the kids learned a lot about thanksgiving.

Inside we included, a picture of the mayflower, some paper pilgrims and indians that we dressed, bible verses on giving thanks, colors that we eat on thanksgiving, a menu of what our family eats on thanksgiving, a memory game, leaf stickers because thankgiving is in the Fall, T is for thanksgiving and there is a big turkey on the back and on each feather is something the kids are thankful for. Examples: Lions, toys, their drinking cup, and Papi (they never did say mommy..LOL). I really like doing lapbooks at this age. I've been a little stuck on what to do with them lately but I think I found it. I'm also in the middle of doing Before Five in a Row but it seems a little slow so I want to add some stuff to it and I think a lapbook would be a great addition. Maybe I'll do a lapbook on each book that we read.

Here is the kids table on Thanksgiving (Clayton is missing). Literally, it was the kids table, us adults sat on the couch or stood. There were only 7 adults compared to kids. We enjoyed our holiday by celebrating it with good friends, The Teels and The Moellers. We are truly thankful that the Lord blessed us with Godly friends. How important it is to surround yourself with people who love the Lord. It was a nice day and I thank God for everything that is in my life.

Look what I made at my dear friend, Monica's house. It's the official, Rivera Thankful box. Every year we write what we are thankful for and place it in the box. It's going to take a bunch of years to fill up this box and I can't wait till I am old (God willing) when I can sit down and go back and read them.

This is just the side view of the box. I want to thank Monica for opening up her house to a bunch of us girls so we could do some fall crafts and for supplying the supplies. I also want to thank her for the laughs and her friendship. She is dear to my heart. I pray the Lord blesses her beyond measure. It really was a nice day and a nice time of fellowship. We even got to make some fall wreaths. I'm already looking forward to the Christmas Craft Day. Thank you Lord for all your blessings. Thank you for this season so we can look back and reflect on all you have done. For you are always faithful and I am forever thankful!!!