I saw this pic on Aunt Ruthies blog and had to snatch it. It is a picture of what happens daily in our home. The minute Papi walks in the door from work, the kids go running to meet him. And the little boy hugging his fathers neck so hard, is what Julian does. There is definitely love in this house. We are a happy family and mostly because of my husband. My husband is amazing. There are too many words to describe him. He's sincere, caring, compassionate, kind, gentle, giving, godly, hard working, full of energy, etc. He is the man I love with all my heart. There is something special about him and it's obvious God put him on this earth for a reason. I've always felt that even in the days when he was an addict. God was watching over him and has plans for him. In my eyes, he is a perfect example of what a husband and father should be. Because of who he is, makes it easy for me to be a submissive wife (even though I still fail at times). And to be that help meet that God intended me to be. Hense the name of this blog: Peteys Rib. He is truly one of a kind and I couldn't imagine my life without him. As for the kids, they just absolutely adore him. I pray that Julian turns out just like him but as my husband says, only better. I don't think Giana will ever find a husband that compares to him. He is special and we love him. To end this, I just want to say thank you to him for being that provider, that godly man, that hard worker, that loving husband, that amazing father and that great friend. We love you and Happy Fathers Day and may the Lord continue to bless you and use you.